Update line attributes

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To modify the attributes of a line:

  1. Select the Public Transport (PT) dataset in the map table of contents.
  2. You can access the Transit Data Editor tool by:
    1. Right-clicking the PT dataset > Open Transit Editor.
      1. The Transit Data Editor will open
      2. Select the line from the list of lines.
        Note: You can use the Filter.. bar to display specific line names and find the appropriate one more easily

    2. Through the Feature table > Manage transit line and system data:
      1. Click on the transit line in the map
      2. The Feature table will show the selected line
        Note: If the Feature table is not shown enable the Feature table window visibility in the toolbar:

        Click the line whose attributes you want to update.
      3. In the Feature Table toolbar click on Manage Transit lines and system data:

      4. The Transit Data Editor will open, and the selected line will be highlighted:

  3. Edit any of the line’s specific attributes.
  4. Click Save to record any changes.